Archive | Communication

5 Main Processes of Communication (With Diagram)

This article throws light upon the five main processes of communication. The processes are: 1. Sender 2. Transmission 3. Noise 4. Receiver 5. Feedback. Process # 1. Sender: Communication starts with the sender, who is the initiator of the message. After generating an idea, the sender encodes it in a way that can be comprehended by the receiver. Encoding refers [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:23:10+05:30June 18, 2016|Processes|Comments Off on 5 Main Processes of Communication (With Diagram)

Effective Persuasion: Steps and Mistakes | Communication

After reading this article you will learn about the Steps and Mistakes of Effective Persuasion. Steps involved in Effective Persuasion: a. Establish Your Credibility: In the workplace, credibility comes from expertise and relationships. People are considered to have high levels of expertise if they have a history of sound judgment or have proven themselves knowledgeable and well informed about their [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:23:10+05:30June 18, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on Effective Persuasion: Steps and Mistakes | Communication

Top 3 Types of Communication Skill

This article throws light upon the top three types of communication skill. The types are: 1. Writing Skills 2. Speaking Skills 3. Listening Skills. Communication Skill: Type # 1. Writing Skills: John Fielden suggests that the writing style should be apt to the situation and the effect the writer wants to achieve. Writing is more formal than talking. When we [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:23:09+05:30June 18, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on Top 3 Types of Communication Skill
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