Archive | Decision Making

Top 7 Steps involved Decision-Making Process

This article throws light upon the top seven steps involved decision-making process. The steps are: 1. Identifying the Problem 2. Identifying Resources and Constraints 3. Generating Alternative Solutions 4. Evaluating Alternatives 5. Selecting an Alternative 6. Implementing the Decision 7. Monitoring the Decision. Decision-Making Process: Step # 1. Identifying the Problem: The first step in the decision-making process is identifying [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:22:54+05:30June 18, 2016|Decision Making|Comments Off on Top 7 Steps involved Decision-Making Process

Top 2 Types of Managerial Decision

This article throws light upon the two main types of managerial decisions. The types are: 1. Programmed Decisions 2. Non-programmed Decisions. Managerial Decision: Type # 1. Programmed Decisions: Programmed decisions are those that deal with simple, common, frequently occurring problems that have well-established and understood solutions. These decisions are made in routine, repetitive, well-structured situations, using predetermined decision rules that [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:22:54+05:30June 18, 2016|Decision Making|Comments Off on Top 2 Types of Managerial Decision

Management Information and Decision Support System

This article will help you to make comparison between Management Information and Decision Support System. Managers at all levels require information to be provided to them with speed, brevity, precision and economy to enable them to carry out their functions effectively. This need is satisfied by means of a management information system. A Management Information System (MIS) is a system [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:22:53+05:30June 18, 2016|Decision Making|Comments Off on Management Information and Decision Support System
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