Archive | Entrepreneurship

Sources of Financial Support System in Entrepreneurship | Business

In this article we will discuss about the sources of financial support system in entrepreneurship. The sources are: 1. Financial Support by Ministries/Departments/Organizations 2. National Level Financial Institutions 3. State Financial Corporations Offering Specialized SSI Schemes. 1. Financial Support by Ministries/Departments/Organizations: (i) Department of Biotechnology: The Department has a large number of programmes to support innovation and R&D in the [...]

By |2018-09-04T06:09:14+05:30September 4, 2018|Financial Support System|Comments Off on Sources of Financial Support System in Entrepreneurship | Business

Institutional Support System for Entrepreneurs

This institutional support system has been designed at following four levels: 1. Central Government 2. State Government 3. Non-Government Support System 4. District Industries Centres (DIC). Each shall be discussed briefly, one by one, below: 1. Central Government Institutions: The Government Formulated the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Development Act, 2006 and established the National Board for Micro, Small and [...]

By |2018-09-04T06:09:14+05:30September 4, 2018|Entrepreneurship|Comments Off on Institutional Support System for Entrepreneurs

Top 14 Theories of Entrepreneurship (With Criticisms)

Some of the theories of Entrepreneurship are as follows: 1. Schumpeter's Theory of Innovation 2. Max Weber's Theory of Social Change (Emphasis on Impact of Religion) 3. The Uncertainty-Bearing Theory of Knight 4. Theory of Frank Young (Emphasis on Changes in Group Level Pattern) 5. Economic Theory of Entrepreneurship 6. Mark Casson Theory (Economic Theory) 7. Kunkel's Theory (Emphasis on [...]

By |2018-09-04T06:09:13+05:30September 4, 2018|Theories of Entrepreneurship|Comments Off on Top 14 Theories of Entrepreneurship (With Criticisms)
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