Archive | Human Resource

Top 6 Theories of Motivation | Hindi | Functions | HRM

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the top six theories of motivation. The theories are: 1. Z Theory of Urwick 2. Monistic Theory of Motivation 3. McClelland's Learned Need Theory 4. Porter-Lawler Model of Performance and Satisfaction 5. Likert’s Approach 6. Goal Setting Theory.    Theory # 1. उर्विक का जैड सिद्धान्त (Z Theory of Urwick): मैकग्रेगर के एक्स [...]

By |2017-07-07T16:20:26+05:30July 7, 2017|Human Resource|Comments Off on Top 6 Theories of Motivation | Hindi | Functions | HRM

Retirement Benefit Schemes Available to Employees | Hindi | HRM

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the retirement benefit schemes available to employees. अवकाश ग्रहण/अन्तिम लाभ (Retirement/Terminal Benefits): श्रम कल्याण, सामाजिक सुरक्षा कदम, अवकाश ग्रहण लाभ सभी उस योजना के अंग हैं जो कर्मचारी की वर्तमान तथा भावी आवश्यकताओं की सम्भव स्तर तक व्यवस्था करती हैं । कर्मचारी चूंकि अपनी तथा अपने परिवार की वर्तमान तथा भावी आवश्यकताओं [...]

By |2017-07-07T16:20:26+05:30July 7, 2017|Human Resource|Comments Off on Retirement Benefit Schemes Available to Employees | Hindi | HRM

Fringe Benefits: Meaning and Objects | Hindi | Human Resource Management

Read this article in Hindi to learn about:- 1. Meaning of Fringe Benefits 2. Objects of Fringe Benefits 3. Examples 4. Principles 5. The Future. Contents: अनुषंगी लाभ का अर्थ (Meaning of Fringe Benefits) अनुषंगी लाभों के उद्देश्य (Objects of Fringe Benefits) अनुषंगी के उदाहरण (Examples of Fringes) अनुषंगी लाभों के सिद्धान्त (Principles of Fringes) अनुषंगी लाभों का भविष्य (The [...]

By |2017-07-07T16:20:26+05:30July 7, 2017|Human Resource|Comments Off on Fringe Benefits: Meaning and Objects | Hindi | Human Resource Management
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