Archive | Human Resource Management

What is Performance Management?

Performance Management is a process that consolidates goal setting, performance appraisal, and development into a single, common system, the aim of which is to ensure that the employee's performance is supporting the company's strategic aims. Performance Management is both a strategic and integrated approach to delivering successful results in the organisation by improving the performance and developing the capabilities of [...]

By |2019-12-09T10:37:10+05:30December 9, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on What is Performance Management?

Types of Competency

Competency is a concept that gives an indication to the employee about the areas and levels of perfor­mance that he would be expected to do. It is like a map that shows the employee the kind of behaviour that would be valued, recognized, and in some organizations, rewarded as well. Competency is a cluster of related knowledge, skill, and attitude [...]

By |2019-12-09T10:36:45+05:30December 9, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Types of Competency

Work-Life Balance in HRM

Work-life balance has always been a concern of those interested in the quality of working life and its relation to broader quality of life. In the early days of the industrial revolution in Europe (and today in some parts of the developing world) a primary concern was with the impact of child labour. Yet work-life balance has come to the [...]

By |2019-12-09T10:25:46+05:30December 9, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Work-Life Balance in HRM
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