Archive | Information Technology

Types of Operating Systems | Information Technology

This article throws light upon the five main types of operating systems. The types are: 1. Batch Processing 2. Multi-Programming 3. Interactive Processing 4. Time Sharing 5. Real-Time Processing. Type # 1. Batch Processing: It is desirable to hold programs until a reasonable size batch of programs can be processed. In batch processing, data to be processed is accumulated over [...]

By |2017-02-06T21:13:28+05:30February 6, 2017|Information Technology|Comments Off on Types of Operating Systems | Information Technology

6 Commonly used Storage Devices in a Computer

This article throws light upon the six commonly used storage devices in a computer. The storage devices are: 1. Magnetic Core Memory 2. Thin Film Memory 3. Plated Wire Memory 4. Semi-Conductor Memories 5. Magnetic Bubble Memory 6. Holographic Memory. Storage Device # 1. Magnetic Core Memory: A magnetic core is molded from a ferrite (iron) powder into a doughnut [...]

By |2017-02-06T21:13:25+05:30February 6, 2017|Computers|Comments Off on 6 Commonly used Storage Devices in a Computer
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