Archive | International Trade

List of Documents Used in International Trade | Business

In an international trade transaction, there is a time lag between the transfer of goods by the exporter to the importer, and transfer of payment by the importer to exporter. To protect both parties from counter-party risk, a number of documents are created and used. These are listed below: 1. Bill of Exchange 2. Bill of Lading 3. Letter of [...]

By |2017-12-07T08:48:22+05:30December 7, 2017|International Trade|Comments Off on List of Documents Used in International Trade | Business

Transfer Pricing and Its Methods | Tax Planning | International Trade

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Transfer Pricing 2. Transfer Pricing in India 3. Transfer Pricing Methods 4. Case Study on Tarragon Chemicals and Transfer Pricing. Meaning of Transfer Pricing: Transfer price is the price at which two related parties undertake a commercial transaction between each other. The related parties are called associated enterprises. So, transfer [...]

By |2017-12-07T08:48:21+05:30December 7, 2017|Transfer Pricing|Comments Off on Transfer Pricing and Its Methods | Tax Planning | International Trade

Cartels: Formation and Factors | International Trade

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Formation of Cartels 2. Factors Conductive For Cartel Formation 3. Operations of the Cartel 4. Factors which Indicate the Cartel Presence. Formation of Cartels: The trading blocks and product associations and commissions are legal entities with written constitution and code of conduct for the member countries/industries. They have physical presence in [...]

By |2016-08-25T16:53:45+05:30August 25, 2016|International Trade|Comments Off on Cartels: Formation and Factors | International Trade
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