Archive | Controlling

Overcoming Resistance to Control: 4 Ways | Management

This article throws light upon the top four ways for overcoming resistance to control. The ways are: 1. Create Effective Controls 2. Encourage Participation 3. Using MBO 4. Checks and Balances. Way # 1. Create Effective Controls: Perhaps the best way to overcome resistance to control is to create effective control to begin with. If control systems are properly integrated [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:52:09+05:30November 5, 2016|Controlling|Comments Off on Overcoming Resistance to Control: 4 Ways | Management

Organizational Control Process: 5 Steps | Management

This article throws light upon the five important steps involved in organisational control process. The steps are: 1. Establishing Standards 2. Determining Performance Measurements 3. Measuring Performance 4. Comparing Performance against Standards and Analysing Deviations 5. Taking Corrective Action, if Needed. Step # 1. Establishing Standards: The first step in the control process is establishment of standards of performance. A [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:52:09+05:30November 5, 2016|Controlling|Comments Off on Organizational Control Process: 5 Steps | Management

Top 4 Reasons why Employees Resist Control | Management

This article throws light upon the top four reasons why employees resist control in an organisation. The reasons are: 1. Over-Control 2. Inappropriate Focus 3. Rewards for Inefficiency 4. Accountability. Reason # 1. Over-Control: Occasionally, organisations go into excessiveness and make the mistake of over-control; they try to control too many things. This becomes especially problematic when the controls pertain [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:52:08+05:30November 5, 2016|Controlling|Comments Off on Top 4 Reasons why Employees Resist Control | Management
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