Archive | Management

Decision Making: Definitions, Types, Techniques, Importance and Examples

In this article we will discuss about decision making. Decision making is one of the most important functions of management. The word "decision" is derived from a Latin word "Decis" which means "Cutting away or cutting off to come to a conclusion" this is itself means that a single thing is to be brought in action by cutting off many [...]

By |2019-05-25T05:40:05+05:30May 25, 2019|Decision Making|Comments Off on Decision Making: Definitions, Types, Techniques, Importance and Examples

Centralisation and Decentralisation in Management

Everything you need to know about centralisation and decentralisation of authority. Centralisation means concentration. When authority is concentrated, there is centralisation. An organisation is said to be centralised when most of the decision making power is reserved by one or a few persons at the higher level. In a centralised organisation there is not much delegation of authority and responsibility. [...]

By |2019-05-25T05:40:05+05:30May 25, 2019|Management|Comments Off on Centralisation and Decentralisation in Management

Process of Management

Everything you need to know about the process of management. The process is defined as a series of actions or operations conducted to an end. Management as a process emphasize that all managers, regardless of their particulars aptitudes or skills, engage in certain interrelated activities in order to achieve their desired goals. Management process can be divided into a set [...]

By |2019-05-24T09:44:05+05:30May 24, 2019|Process of Management|Comments Off on Process of Management
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