Archive | Management

Process of Delegation

The process of delegation involves the following steps: 1. Determination of Expected Results 2. Assignment of Duties 3. Authorization for Action 4. Creation of Obligations. Process of Delegation (with Steps) Process of Delegation – Top 4 Steps: Determination of Expected Results, Assignment of Duties, Authorization for Action and Creation of Obligations The complete process of delegation of authority involves the [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:58:27+05:30August 4, 2020|Management|Comments Off on Process of Delegation

Contingency Theory of Leadership

The important contingency theories of leadership are: 1. Fiedler's Contingency Model 2. Situational Leadership Model 3. Leader - Member Exchange (LMX) Model 4. Path - Goal Model 5. Leader Participating Model. Contingency Theory of Leadership Contingency Theory of Leadership – Top 5 Theories: Fiedler's Contingency Model , Path Goal Theory, Situation Leadership Theory and a Few Others The core proposition [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:58:27+05:30August 4, 2020|Contingency Theory of Leadership|Comments Off on Contingency Theory of Leadership

Management Audit

Management audit means the examination, review of various policies and action of the management on the basis of certain specified objectives. The management audit is conducted to critically evaluate the activities and efficiency of the management. It is an independent appraisal activity. Learn about:- 1. Introduction to Management Audit 2. Definitions of Management Audit 3. Concept 4. Scope 5. Objectives [...]

By |2020-08-04T15:57:08+05:30August 4, 2020|Management Audit|Comments Off on Management Audit
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