Archive | Management

Workers’ Participation in Management | Industries | India

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Workers' Participation in Management 2. Objectives of Workers' Participation in Management 3. Forms 4. Factors 5. Pre-Conditions for the Success 6. Advantages 7. Progress of the Schemes 8. Suggestions for the Success. Introduction to Workers’ Participation in Management: Workers participation in management has been given several meanings and it has [...]

By |2017-11-14T06:37:54+05:30November 14, 2017|Workers’ Participation|Comments Off on Workers’ Participation in Management | Industries | India

Workers Participation in Management (Need) | Industries | India

In this article we will discuss about the need for workers’ participation in Indian industries. The scheme of workers' participation in management is very useful in minimising industrial disputes, establishing industrial peace, increasing production and productivity of both the workers and the enterprise, establishing industrial democracy and boosting the morale of employees. During present days, and in present circumstances, the [...]

By |2017-11-14T06:37:54+05:30November 14, 2017|Workers’ Participation|Comments Off on Workers Participation in Management (Need) | Industries | India

Forms of Workers’ Participation in Management

There are three groups-social, personnel and economic - of managerial decisions which have a direct impact on the employees of any organization. Economic decisions include the methods of manufacturing, automation, shut down, lay-offs, mergers and similar other functions. Personnel decisions refer to recruitment and selection, promotions, demotions, transfers, grievance settlement, work distributions, and so on. Social decisions are related to [...]

By |2017-11-14T06:26:54+05:30November 14, 2017|Workers’ Participation|Comments Off on Forms of Workers’ Participation in Management
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