Archive | Management

Top 4 Approaches to Strategic Planning | Management

Fundamentally, there are four different approaches to do formal strategic planning. The approaches are:- 1. Top-Down Approach 2. Bottom-Up Approach 3. Mixture of the Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches 4. Team Approach. 1. Top-Down Approach: In a centralised company, such planning is done at the top of the corporation and the departments and outlying activities are advised straightway what to do. [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:51+05:30March 4, 2017|Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Top 4 Approaches to Strategic Planning | Management

Criteria for Evaluating the Strategy of a Firm | Company Management

The strategy adopted by a firm, for the purpose of evaluation as to its effectiveness, should be judged against the following criteria and allied aspects:- 1. Functional Evidence 2. Realism and Practicality 3. Consistency in Direction 4. Assumptions Validity 5. Contingencies Recognition 6. Appropriateness. Criteria # 1. Functional Evidence: (i) What are the performance indicators—quantitative and qualitative—identified for scrutiny? (ii) [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:51+05:30March 4, 2017|Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Criteria for Evaluating the Strategy of a Firm | Company Management

Top 3 Planning Activities Carried out in Firms | Management

The nature and kind of planning activities carried out in firms are discussed as follows:- 1. Strategic Planning Activities 2. Operational Planning Activities 3. Budgetary Planning Activities. Also learn about the relationships among them. 1. Strategic Planning Activities: These are longer-term in nature, involve top-level executives and more global in their effect on the firm. These consist of: (a) Establishing [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:51+05:30March 4, 2017|Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Top 3 Planning Activities Carried out in Firms | Management
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