Archive | Management

Management Development: Meaning, Importance and Techniques

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Management Development 2. Objectives of Management Development 3. Importance 4. Techniques 5. Programmes 6. Performance Appraisal. Meaning of Management Development: Management development is a planned and organised process and programme of training and growth whereby an individual manager or executive (at each level of management hierarchy) gains knowl­edge, skills [...]

By |2017-02-06T21:13:34+05:30February 6, 2017|Processes|Comments Off on Management Development: Meaning, Importance and Techniques

Contribution of Management Thinkers

After reading this article you will learn about the contribution of various management thinkers towards management:- 1. Contributions of F.W. Taylor 2. Contributions of Henri Fayol 3. Contributions of Elton Mayo 4. Contributions of Gilbreth 5. Contributions of Gantt. Contributions of F.W. Taylor to Management: Fredrick Winslow Taylor is known as the founder of Scientific Management. Taylor laid the foundation [...]

By |2017-02-06T21:13:34+05:30February 6, 2017|Management|Comments Off on Contribution of Management Thinkers

7 Main Types of Decisions| Management

Decisions may be of different types. Some of the important types of managerial decisions are explained as follows:- 1. Programmed and Non-Programmed Decisions 2. Major and Minor Decisions 3. Routine and Strategic Decisions 4. Organizational and Personal Decisions 5. Individual and Group Decisions 6. Policy and Operation Decisions and 7. Long-Term Departmental and Non-Economic Decisions. Type # 1. Programmed and [...]

By |2017-02-06T21:13:33+05:30February 6, 2017|Management|Comments Off on 7 Main Types of Decisions| Management
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