Archive | Management

Objectives of Workers Participation in Management

Everything you need to know about the objectives of workers participation in management (wpm). Worker’s Participation gives the worker a sense of importance, pride and accomplishment; it gives him freedom and opportunity for expression; a feeling of belonging to the place of work, and a sense of workmanship and creativity. It provides for the integration of his interests with those [...]

By |2019-10-21T12:09:33+05:30October 21, 2019|Workers’ Participation|Comments Off on Objectives of Workers Participation in Management

Planning Definition

Everything you need to know about the definitions of planning. Planning is the first primary function of management, followed by other functions. Planning is the process of deciding the objectives to be achieved and selecting the ways and means of achieving the pre-decided objectives. We can say that it is a process of decision-making regarding what to do, how to [...]

By |2019-10-21T12:08:37+05:30October 21, 2019|Planning|Comments Off on Planning Definition

Limitations of Planning

Everything you need to know about the limitations of planning. Planning is a primary managerial function and an essence of doing business activities. In the absence of plans, employees work in different directions and it becomes impossible to achieve organisational goals. However, even the best of plans may go wrong because of unforeseen events and changes in the business environment. [...]

By |2019-10-21T12:01:52+05:30October 21, 2019|Planning|Comments Off on Limitations of Planning
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