Archive | Management

Components of Classical Theory of Management

This article throws light upon the three main components of classical theory of organisation and management. The components are: 1. Scientific Management Theory 2. Bureaucratic Model 3. Administrative Theory. Component # 1. Scientific Management Theory: Scientific management is also called Taylorism. It emphasized detailed, precise planning of work to achieve efficiency, standardisation, specialisation, and simplification. It relied on formal top-down [...]

By |2016-07-30T09:44:05+05:30July 30, 2016|Classical Theory|Comments Off on Components of Classical Theory of Management

14 Main Principles of Management by H. Fayol

This article throws light upon the fourteen main principles of management by H. Fayol. The principles are: 1. Division of Work 2. Authority and Responsibility 3. Discipline 4. Unity of Command 5. Unity of Direction 6. Emphasis on Subordination of Personal Interest to General 7. Remuneration 8. Centralisation 9. Scalar Chain 10. Order 11. Equity 12. Stability of Tenure 13. [...]

By |2016-07-30T09:44:05+05:30July 30, 2016|Principles|Comments Off on 14 Main Principles of Management by H. Fayol

Span of Control: Importance, Principles and Factors

After reading this article you will learn about Span of Control:- 1. Importance of Span of Control or Supervision 2. Principle of span of control 3. Factors Determining. Importance of Span of Control or Supervision: How many subordinates can a manager supervise or control directly? What should be the span or range of control or supervision is a controversial problem. [...]

By |2016-07-30T09:44:04+05:30July 30, 2016|Functions|Comments Off on Span of Control: Importance, Principles and Factors
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