Archive | Marketing

Marketing Concepts

Some of the most essential and effective concepts of marketing are as follows: 1. Distinct Marketing Concepts 2. Exchange Orientation 3. Product Orientation 4. Sales Orientation 5. Production Orientation 6. Marketing Concept 7. Holistic Marketing Concept 8. Examples of Marketing Concept by Philip Kotler 9. Societal Marketing Concept 10. Modern Marketing Concepts. Marketing Concepts used in Marketing Management (includes concept [...]

By |2019-09-25T07:30:33+05:30February 4, 2019|Marketing Concepts|Comments Off on Marketing Concepts

Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions

Everything you need to know about the factors affecting pricing decisions. This article will further help you to learn about: 1. Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions in Marketing Management 2. Internal Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions 3. Factors Influencing Price Determination 4. Examples of Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions. Factors Influencing Price Decisions and Determination in Business: Internal Factors, External Factors, Impact and [...]

By |2019-02-23T07:46:08+05:30February 4, 2019|Pricing Decisions|Comments Off on Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions

Process of New Product Development

Everything you need to know about the process of New Product Development (with 7,8 Stages, Steps and Examples). Process of New Product Development: Stages, Steps and Examples Process of New Product Development (7 Stages) In marketing parlance, 'new product' has six definitions that are commonly used (in addition to BAH and Roberson's classification schemes). They are as follows: New to [...]

By |2019-02-23T07:49:12+05:30February 4, 2019|New Product Development|Comments Off on Process of New Product Development
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