Archive | Marketing

Process of New Product Development

Everything you need to know about the process of New Product Development (with 7,8 Stages, Steps and Examples). Process of New Product Development: Stages, Steps and Examples Process of New Product Development (7 Stages) In marketing parlance, 'new product' has six definitions that are commonly used (in addition to BAH and Roberson's classification schemes). They are as follows: New to [...]

By |2019-02-23T07:49:12+05:30February 4, 2019|New Product Development|Comments Off on Process of New Product Development

Elements of Product Strategy: Branding, Packaging, Labeling and Product Warranty

This article throws light upon the top five elements of product strategy. The product strategy elements are:- 1. Branding 2. Packaging 3. Labelling 4. Product Warranty 5. Service Facilities. Elements of an Effective and Successful Product Strategy: Branding, Packaging, Labelling, Product Warranty and Service Facilities Product Strategy Element # 1. Branding: Brand Management holds the key in the modern markets. [...]

By |2018-12-21T06:41:43+05:30December 21, 2018|Product Strategy|Comments Off on Elements of Product Strategy: Branding, Packaging, Labeling and Product Warranty

Product: What is a Product, Marketing mix, Examples, Classification and Types | Marketing

In this article we will discuss about product in marketing! Learn about:- 1. Meaning of Product 2. Product Classification 3. Levels 4. Types 5. Elements 6. Levels 7. New Product Adoption 8. New Product Diffusion 9. Product Differentiation and Its Basis 10. Product Line Analysis 11. Product Mix Analysis 12. Attributes 13. Policies 14. Adaptation and Strategies and Other Details. [...]

By |2018-10-29T15:15:04+05:30October 29, 2018|Product Marketing|Comments Off on Product: What is a Product, Marketing mix, Examples, Classification and Types | Marketing
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