Archive | Employee Motivation

Quality of Work Life (QWL): Nature, Scope and Importance

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Quality of Work Life (QWL) 2. Nature and Scope of Quality of Work Life 3. Importance 4. Problems in Improving the QWL. Introduction to Quality of Work Life (QWL): Dissatisfaction with working life affects the workers some time or another, regardless of position or status. The frustration, boredom and [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:49+05:30August 9, 2016|Employee Motivation|Comments Off on Quality of Work Life (QWL): Nature, Scope and Importance

Notes on Employee Motivation: Meaning and Types

After reading this article you will learn about the meaning and types of motivators. Meaning of Motivation: While motivation is an effort to direct human behaviour towards need satisfaction, motivators are the factors that motivate people. They include both incentives and disincentives that influence human behaviour. Incentives satisfy the needs of people and improve their performance at work. They cover [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:49+05:30August 9, 2016|Employee Motivation|Comments Off on Notes on Employee Motivation: Meaning and Types

Notes on Morale of Workers: Meaning and Kinds | Organisation

After reading this article you will learn about the meaning and kinds of morale. Meaning of Morale: Morale is the mental attitude or bearing of a person or a group regarding his confidence, discipline and attitude towards work, peer group, superiors and subordinates, for accomplishment of individual and organisational goals. It represents satisfaction that a person derives from his work [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:49+05:30August 9, 2016|Employee Motivation|Comments Off on Notes on Morale of Workers: Meaning and Kinds | Organisation
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