Archive | Management

Achieving Coordination in an Organisation: 12 Techniques

This article throws light upon the top twelve techniques that help to achieve coordintion in an organisation. The techniques are: 1. Scalar Chain 2. Rules and Procedures 3. Plans and Goals 4. Information System 5. Lateral Relationships 6. Slack Resources 7. Cooperation 8. Independent Units 9. Committees 10. Managerial Integrators 11. Meetings 12. Self-Coordination. Technique # 1. Scalar Chain: Scalar [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:53+05:30August 9, 2016|Coordination|Comments Off on Achieving Coordination in an Organisation: 12 Techniques

Coordination is the Essence of Management – Justified!

This article justifies that coordination is the essence of management. When the organisation structure is created and departments are designed, managers coordinate the activities of these departments to achieve organisational goals. Top managers communicate organisational goals to departmental managers and help them carry out the functions of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling for their respective departments. They integrate objectives [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:53+05:30August 9, 2016|Coordination|Comments Off on Coordination is the Essence of Management – Justified!

Conflict: Features, Causes and Consequences | Organisation

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Conflict 2. Features of Conflict 3. Philosophy 4. Causes 5. Consequences 6. Management. Meaning of Conflict: Conflict is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. A conflict can be internal (within oneself) or external (between two or more individuals). Conflict [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:53+05:30August 9, 2016|Conflict Management|Comments Off on Conflict: Features, Causes and Consequences | Organisation
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