Archive | Management

Notes on Principles of Scientific Management Theory

This article throws light upon the top five principles of scientific management theory suggested by Taylor. The principles are: 1. Rule of Thumb should be Replaced with Science 2. There should be Harmony, not Discord in Group Action 3. Cooperation, not Individualism 4. Maximum Output, not Restricted Output5. Development of Workers to their Fullest Capacity. Principle # 1. Rule of [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:38+05:30August 9, 2016|Management|Comments Off on Notes on Principles of Scientific Management Theory

Notes on McKinsey 7S Framework

This article throws light upon the 7S model developed by McKinsey for understanding the framework of management. The seven S are: 1. Strategy 2. Structure 3. Systems 4. Style 5. Staff 6. Skills 7. Shared Values. 1. Strategy: Strategy making is an important variable that affects managerial excellence. Strategy means determination of objectives and allocation of resources to achieve these [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:56:37+05:30August 9, 2016|Management|Comments Off on Notes on McKinsey 7S Framework

Notes on Line and Staff Authority

This article provides a short note on line and staff authority. Line authority is exercised by the superior over his immediate subordinates. This forms a chain of authority from top to bottom. People who exercise line authority are known as line managers. Staff managers assist line managers (in advisory capacity) in discharging their duties efficiently. While production, marketing, finance and [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:55+05:30August 9, 2016|Authority|Comments Off on Notes on Line and Staff Authority
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