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Notes on Credit Management in Banks

Credit management by commercial banks is a part of banking activities of normal course where banks constitute as a largest group of financial intermediaries. There are two core activities of commercial banks one to accept deposits and second to give loans and advances. The deposits are liabilities for any bank as these are required to be paid back to customers [...]

By |2016-08-10T10:03:29+05:30August 10, 2016|Credit Management|Comments Off on Notes on Credit Management in Banks

Top 6 Government Sponsored Schemes under Direct Lending

This article throws light upon the top six government sponsored schemes under which banks are required to finance as per the respective scheme norms prescribed by the RBI. The schemes are: 1. DRI Scheme 2. SLRS 3. PMRY Scheme 4. SJSRY 5. SGSY 6. SELF HELP GROUP. Government Sponsored Scheme # 1. DRI (Differential Rate of Interest Scheme): Differential rate [...]

By |2016-08-10T10:03:29+05:30August 10, 2016|Credit Management|Comments Off on Top 6 Government Sponsored Schemes under Direct Lending

Notes on Risk Rating of Bank | Credit Management

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Lending on the Basis of Risk Rating 2. Measuring Risk of Loans and Advances 3. Capturing Early Warnings 4. Asset Classification and Provisioning. Lending on the Basis of Risk Rating: If an over view is taken about credit management in banking industry in India, it tells a sordid affairs of actions [...]

By |2016-08-10T10:03:28+05:30August 10, 2016|Credit Management|Comments Off on Notes on Risk Rating of Bank | Credit Management
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