Archive | Project Report

Project Report on Motivation | Employees

A project report on motivation of employees in an organisation. This report will help you to learn about:- 1. Meaning of Motivation 2. Nature of Motivation 3. Importance of Motivation 4. Purposes 5. Need 6. Motivation, Ability and Performance 7. Models 8. Theories 9. Role of Money in Motivation Theory and Other Details. Contents: Project Report on the Meaning of [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:52:11+05:30November 5, 2016|Motivation|Comments Off on Project Report on Motivation | Employees

Total Quality Management (TQM) | Management

The modern view of management is that it is the creation and continuous improvement of organisational systems that — when used by organisational members — lead to increased value for the customers of its products or services. Continuous improvement is required in an internationally competitive world characterised by rapidly changing technology and customer demand for higher levels of value. Continuous [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:52:06+05:30November 5, 2016|TQM|Comments Off on Total Quality Management (TQM) | Management

Project Report on MNC | Management

A project report on Multinational Corporation (MNC). This report will help you to learn about:- 1. Introduction to the Multinational Corporation (MNC) 2. Strategies for Launching a Multinational Corporation 3. Multinational Manager 4. Host Country 5. Management Functions 6. Managing People. Project Report on Multinational Corporation (MNC) Contents: Project Report on the Introduction to Multinational Corporation (MNC) Project Report on the [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:52:06+05:30November 5, 2016|MNC|Comments Off on Project Report on MNC | Management
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