Archive | Retail Marketing

Retail Marketing: Introduction, Importance, Functions and Benefits

Contents: Introduction to Retail Marketing Concept and Definition of Retail Marketing Characteristics or Features of Retail Marketing Importance of Retail Marketing Functions of Retail Marketing Emergence of Organisation of Retailing Development of Retail Marketing in India Benefits of Retail Marketing 1. Introduction to Retail Marketing: Retailer is the person or institution who delivers goods to final consumer in the channel [...]

By |2018-05-15T07:07:36+05:30May 15, 2018|Retail Marketing|Comments Off on Retail Marketing: Introduction, Importance, Functions and Benefits

How to Target Customers: Patterns and Approaches | Retail Marketing

Targeting is the next process after Segmentation whereas segmentation makes grouping of customers with similar needs and income, Targeting aims at selecting the segment or consumer groups to whom marketing programme is to be targeted. Targeting or selecting the customer group is essential as it may not be possible to cater to the wish of every segment. Targeting is selecting [...]

By |2018-05-15T07:07:36+05:30May 15, 2018|Retail Marketing|Comments Off on How to Target Customers: Patterns and Approaches | Retail Marketing
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