The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between advertising and publicity.

Difference between Advertising and Publicity


1. The term is a ‘noun’ from the view-point of grammar.

2. An idea or a thing is made known to the public through this. So, it has an educative value.

3. Publicity is a generic term which sig­nifies an effort directed towards mass appeal or informa­tion by means of some chosen methods and procedures.

4. The messages conveyed by it are controlled by the editorial staff of publicity concerns like T.V., radio, or press.

5. Publicity is not paid for by the sponsor. It is not even inten­tionally or openly sponsored.


1. The term is a ‘verb’ from the view-point of grammar.

2. Advertising is a method of publicity and constitutes an action or a pro­gramme to mate an idea a thing known to the public.

3. Advertising is a specific term signify­ing actions or intentions to attract the public or market by means of some chosen media suitable for the product or services.

4. It is controlled by the adver­tiser. The advertiser decides the means, modes, and formats of message their frequency and duration.

5. Advertising involves cost, and such cost is borne by the advertiser. It is always purposeful and openly sponsored.

For all practical purposes, these two terms ‘advertising’ and ‘publicity’ seek to attain the same objectives like attracting people aid having mass appeal for a firm’s products, ideas, and services.