This article throws light upon the top seven functions of finance manager of a company. The functions are:- 1. Custodian 2. Planning Procurement and Investment 3. Credit and Collection 4. Loans and Advances 5. Tax and Insurance 6. Payroll 7. Bond Transfer and Disbursements.

Function # 1. Custodian:

Functions relating to the supervisor of cash receipts, disbursements, balances, banking and the protection and custody of funds, securities and financial instruments.

Function # 2. Planning Procurement and Investment:

Functions relating to the forecast of funds and the cash positions as at future dates, as guide to the availability or need of cash. The procurement of needed funds, the budgeting of funds, or the investment of surplus funds.

Function # 3. Credit and Collection:

Functions relating to the extension of credit in connection with the sale or distribution of products or services, and the collection of accounts

Function # 4. Loans and Advances:

Lending Functions relating to loans or advances to others, the financial investigation, the type of instruments and security, the terms, the custody of securities, and the collection of loans or advances within the term.

Function # 5. Tax and Insurance:

Functions relating to the discharge of tax liabilities on real and personal properties and the negotiation and placement of insurance and bond coverage.

Function # 6. Payroll:

Functions relating to the preparation and maintenance of the confidential payroll for officers and key personnel.

Function # 7. Bond Transfer and Disbursements:

Functions relating to the registration and transfer of bonds on the books of the company, the disbursements of funds in connection with interest coupons and redemptions, the functioning of transfer agents and registrars and the relationship with trustees.

For the sake of smooth running of the activities of a business enterprise these are divided into certain groups. And each group is put under the executive control of a director or manager. Designations of the head of the group or the functional department do vary from company to company but work or functions are well defined.
