This article throws light upon the four main outcomes of morale and productivity. The outcomes are: 1. High Morale – High Productivity 2. High Morale – Low Productivity 3. Low Morale – Low Productivity 4. Low Morale – High Productivity.
Outcome # 1. High Morale – High Productivity:
This is the ideal combination of morale and productivity and occurs when right motivational policies are adopted by managers. Workers know their jobs, they are trained to manage various aspects of the job and feel committed towards the organisational goals.
Outcome # 2. High Morale – Low Productivity:
In this situation, though workers are satisfied with the jobs, they are not committed to the work. This may be because of the nature of task, the nature of superiors, kind of technology used, work methods or inadequate training facilities that restrict efforts to perform their jobs well. People work for their individual/group goals rather than organisational goals.
Outcome # 3. Low Morale – Low Productivity:
It represents the other extreme of morale- productivity continuum. Lack of motivation, unclear jobs and lack of harmonious superior – subordinate relationships reflect low morale and, therefore, frustrations, tensions, discontentment and grievances develop against managers which results in low productivity.
Outcome # 4. Low Morale – High Productivity:
Low morale results in high productivity when negative motivation is used by managers. Punishments, threats and penalties for non-conformity to organisational plans and policies directs workers towards high productivity. Such a situation does not last for long as negative motivation can increase production only for a short span of time.
Workers’ behaviour will soon be reverted to low job performance and low output. Behavioural management, thus, requires that work environment should be able to achieve high morale- high productivity combination. Though morale and productivity are not perfectly related, a positive correlation between them creates a healthy work environment.