After reading this article you will learn about the classification of items of store.

1. Raw Materials:

These are used in the making of products, like pig iron in a steel plant, raw cotton in a textile mill. These are stored according to the type of materials.

2.  Spare Parts:

These are parts purchased from outside source and used in the assembly of final products or for the repair of the production equipment’s. These are placed in bins and racks separately.

Each bin is allotted to one item. Rust prevention is done by coating materials where necessary with oil, grease etc. Some of the items need special attention when they are in stores.

The methods to preserve them are explained hereunder:

(i) Rubber parts, such as belts, mounting pads, tyres, tubes, etc. should be stored in dark room. Talc powder can also be used.

(ii) Instruments electric or electronic parts should be stored in dust free conditions, pref­erably in an air-conditioned store room. Wherever possible anti-rust oil/compound can also be used.

(iii) Welding rods should be stored in moisture free conditions.

(iv) Bearings should be cleaned in solvent oil and after inspection repacked with grease and kept in a plastic covers/bags.

(v) Shafts, gears should be stored after complete painting with water protective film.

(vi) Fasteners, screws, washers, rivets, auto spares etc. are stored in shelves after treating with hard tacky or hard preservative film.

3. General Supplies:

These are articles which are consumed in the process of manufactur­ing but do not become a part of product, such as fuel and oil for lubrication. Oils, greases, paints etc. are messy and soon make a store dirty. These are, therefore, stored separately.

4. Tools:

Tools, jigs, fixtures and instruments should be carefully stored. The cutting edges should not be spoiled, separate racks and bins should be made specially for keeping these tools. Tools should not be allowed to come into contact with each other. Prevention from rust is also essential.

5. Finished Products:

These are the products which are ready for being transported to consumers for use and are stored in packages properly.