Tag Archives | Advertising

Essay on Advertising and Media | Management

According to the pattern of advertising expenditure, the advertising industry is at boom. Though in 95-96 the advertising expenditure was 30.4% more than the 1990 figure as compared to 49.5% increase in 94-95. The money spend on advertising is going on a high path. Ignoring inflation and assuming an optimistic growth rate, the industry should bloat to Rs.7,500 crore in [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:34+05:30December 4, 2016|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on Advertising and Media | Management

Magazine’s Role in Advertising of Products

After reading this article you will learn about the magazine’s role in advertising of products. Magazine Boom: The general interest and news magazines continued loosing circulation and importance. Though some of them sustained growth, most of them manage to retain their position, and some remained fighting for their survival, some successfully, some not so successfully. On the other hand, apart [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:34+05:30December 4, 2016|Advertisement|Comments Off on Magazine’s Role in Advertising of Products

Essay on Role of Press in Advertising

After reading this article you will learn about the role of Indian press in advertising. Press in India 1995-96: The growth of the press in India retained an upward trend during this period. A few important newspapers closed down but some resurfaced. Special interest magazines continued their stride while general interest magazine, barring a few continued losing ground. The attacks [...]

By |2016-12-04T08:09:34+05:30December 4, 2016|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on Role of Press in Advertising
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