Tag Archives | Banking

Liquidity Management by Banks: Steps and Principles

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Liquidity Management 2. Management of Liquidity and Cash by Banks 3. Steps 4. Principles. Introduction to Liquidity Management: Liquidity means an immediate capacity to meet one's financial commitments. The degree of liquidity depends upon the relationship between a company's cash assets plus those assets which can be quickly turned [...]

By |2016-08-10T10:03:29+05:30August 10, 2016|Market|Comments Off on Liquidity Management by Banks: Steps and Principles

Top 6 Government Sponsored Schemes under Direct Lending

This article throws light upon the top six government sponsored schemes under which banks are required to finance as per the respective scheme norms prescribed by the RBI. The schemes are: 1. DRI Scheme 2. SLRS 3. PMRY Scheme 4. SJSRY 5. SGSY 6. SELF HELP GROUP. Government Sponsored Scheme # 1. DRI (Differential Rate of Interest Scheme): Differential rate [...]

By |2016-08-10T10:03:29+05:30August 10, 2016|Credit Management|Comments Off on Top 6 Government Sponsored Schemes under Direct Lending
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