Tag Archives | Business

Entrepreneur and Livestock Based Enterprises

Udiyoginah Singh Mupait Lakshi Takee Cheri means wealth is the maid of entrepreneur. This has been emphasized in ancient literature of India thousands of years ago. Similar expression has been put forward in a Latin phrase Audaces fortuna Juvat means fortune favours entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is a French word, which means to undertake, but in today's context of entrepreneur this meaning [...]

By |2018-03-07T07:30:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Livestock Enterprises|Comments Off on Entrepreneur and Livestock Based Enterprises

Commercializing the Livestock Enterprises in India

Livestock rearing is the major subsidiary occupation in most part of our country. But keeping in view its potentiality for generating employment and providing food security to the country it needs to be taken up as a main occupation. This can happen only when the rural people are motivated to practice commercial livestock rearing rather than the subsistence or semi-commercial [...]

By |2018-03-07T07:30:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Livestock Enterprises|Comments Off on Commercializing the Livestock Enterprises in India

Business Acumen Required for Running Livestock Enterprises

Acumen for management of various business issues is essential for an entrepreneur. The following inventory will help one to assess the relative strengths and abilities that will be expected out of him/her for taking-up the entrepreneurial role: 1. Organizational Acumen: Ability to plan, organize, direct and control the various resources is the basic requirement for setting-up any enterprise. The entrepreneur [...]

By |2018-03-07T07:30:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Livestock Enterprises|Comments Off on Business Acumen Required for Running Livestock Enterprises
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