Tag Archives | Business

Livestock Input Enterprises in Rural Areas

Another major area for entrepreneurship development in livestock sector is the livestock input industry, which can provide support to various livestock enterprises and can be taken up commercially. Various forms of inputs are required for the livestock enterprises such as feed and fodder, medicines, breeding services, etc., and practising these enterprises commercially can generate good amount of income and employment [...]

By |2018-03-07T07:30:31+05:30March 7, 2018|Livestock Enterprises|Comments Off on Livestock Input Enterprises in Rural Areas

Business: 3 Forms of Business

There are mainly three forms of business organisation which are as follows: 1. Sole Proprietorship 2. Partnership 3. Joint Stock Company. While starting a business one has to choose one out of these different forms. Form # 1. Sole Proprietorship: One man business or sole proprietorship is the oldest form of business organisation from ownership point of view. In this [...]

By |2017-12-11T04:35:12+05:30December 11, 2017|Forms|Comments Off on Business: 3 Forms of Business

List of Documents Used in International Trade | Business

In an international trade transaction, there is a time lag between the transfer of goods by the exporter to the importer, and transfer of payment by the importer to exporter. To protect both parties from counter-party risk, a number of documents are created and used. These are listed below: 1. Bill of Exchange 2. Bill of Lading 3. Letter of [...]

By |2017-12-07T08:48:22+05:30December 7, 2017|International Trade|Comments Off on List of Documents Used in International Trade | Business
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