Tag Archives | Communication

Business Letters: Meaning, Functions and Kinds | Hindi | Business

Read this article in Hindi to learn about:- 1. Meaning of Business Letters 2. Definitions of Business Letters 3. Various Kinds 4. Functions 5. Objects 6. Elements 7. Utility and Importance.    Contents: व्यापारिक पत्र का अर्थ (Meaning of Business Letters) व्यापारिक पत्र की परिभाषाएँ (Definitions of Business Letters) व्यापारिक पत्रों के विभिन्न रूप (Various Kinds of Business Letters) व्यापारिक पत्र [...]

By |2017-07-22T11:23:13+05:30July 22, 2017|Letters|Comments Off on Business Letters: Meaning, Functions and Kinds | Hindi | Business

Features of a Good Business Letter | Hindi | Communication | Business

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the features of a good business letter. एक अच्छा व्यापारिक पत्र वह है जो अपने उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने में सफल होता है अर्थात् जिस उद्देश्य से उसे लिखा गया है, यदि वह पूरा हो जाता है तो इस प्रकार के पत्र को श्रेष्ठ एवं प्रभावी व्यापारिक पत्र कहा जा सकता है [...]

By |2017-07-22T11:23:12+05:30July 22, 2017|Letters|Comments Off on Features of a Good Business Letter | Hindi | Communication | Business

Memo: Format, Uses and Rules | Hindi | Communication | Business

Read this article in Hindi to learn about:- 1. Letter and Memo-A Comparative Study 2. Format of a Memo 3. Use 4. Rules 5. Characteristics 6. Conditions 7. Points to Consider 8. Advantages 9. Disadvantages. Contents: पत्र तथा मेमो-एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन (Letter and Memo-A Comparative Study) मेमो का प्रारूप (Format of a Memo) ज्ञापन का प्रयोग (Use of Memo) ज्ञापन [...]

By |2017-07-22T11:23:12+05:30July 22, 2017|Memo|Comments Off on Memo: Format, Uses and Rules | Hindi | Communication | Business
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