Tag Archives | Company

Difference between Official and Operative Objectives of Company

The upcoming discussion will update you on the difference between the official and operative objectives of a company. Difference between Official and Operative Objectives of the Company Official objectives, also termed as organisational objectives or corporate objectives, are those that are made known to anybody including outsiders through public statements. In the case of a company formed under the company [...]

By |2023-02-19T18:36:13+05:30March 4, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Official and Operative Objectives of Company

Organisational Objectives of a Company | Company Management

The term 'objectives' has been defined differently by different authorities in management literature. Some of them are given below: 1. 'Objectives here are the statements of planning purpose developed within any kind of business plan. They are established within the framework of a planning process, and they normally evolve from tentative and vague ideas to more specific declarations of purpose. [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:51+05:30March 4, 2017|Objectives|Comments Off on Organisational Objectives of a Company | Company Management

Determining Competitive Strategy of a Firm | Company Management

The problem of determining competitive strategy of a firm is that of finding the right product-market-sales approach combination for effective accomplishment of its objectives in each field of endeavour specified in the organisation mission and deriving associated goals in the various functional areas of the business. The choice of a particular strategy is possibly the most critical in the competitive [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:51+05:30March 4, 2017|Company Management|Comments Off on Determining Competitive Strategy of a Firm | Company Management
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