Tag Archives | Control

Top 8 Modern Methods of Control In An Organisation

This article throws light upon the top six modern methods of control exercised in an organisation. The modern methods are: 1. Management Information System (MIS) 2. Management Audit 3. Responsibility Accounting 4. Network Techniques - PERT and CPM 5. Balanced Score Card 6. Ratio Analysis 7. Economic Value Added (EVA) 8. Market Value Added (MVA). Modern Method # 1. Management [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:33+05:30August 9, 2016|Techniques of Control|Comments Off on Top 8 Modern Methods of Control In An Organisation

Management Information System (MIS): An Overview

This article provides an overview on Management Information System (MIS). Information System: It is a system which provides each manager in the organisation with the information he needs in order to take decisions, plan and control within his area of responsibility. Information system is an organised way of sending, receiving and recording messages. It includes both formal flow of information [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:11:13+05:30July 12, 2016|MIS|Comments Off on Management Information System (MIS): An Overview

Process of Control in an Organisation: 3 Steps

This article throws light upon the three main steps involved in the process of control in an organisation. The steps are: 1. Establishing Standards 2. Apprising Performance 3. Taking Corrective Action. Step # 1. Establishing Standards: A standard acts as a reference line or basis of comparison of actual performance in the organisation. Standards in enterprise should be set precisely [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:18:01+05:30June 22, 2016|Functions|Comments Off on Process of Control in an Organisation: 3 Steps
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