Tag Archives | CRM

How to Bring Down Your CRM Costs ?

There are several things you can do to bring down your CRM costs will still providing superlative customer service: 1. Organize your Customer Data2. Have a Simple Way to Add Customer Information 3. Don't Assume that Personalized is Better. 1. Organize your Customer Data: The most important part of any CRM plan is to understand who your customers are and [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:17:59+05:30June 22, 2016|CRM|Comments Off on How to Bring Down Your CRM Costs ?

Campaign Management: Origin, Meaning and Functionality

After reading this article you will learn about Campaign Management:- 1. Origin of Campaign Management 2. Meaning of Campaign Management 3. Functionality. Origin of Campaign Management: Back in the old age of direct marketing, campaign management referred to the planning and execution of a single marketing campaign, which made us of the telephone and /or the postal services. The preparation [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:17:59+05:30June 22, 2016|CRM|Comments Off on Campaign Management: Origin, Meaning and Functionality
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