Tag Archives | Difference

Difference between Private Company and Public Company

This article will help you to learn about the difference between a private company and a public company. Difference between a Private Company and a Public Company Private Company Difference - 1. Minimum number: The minimum number of persons required to form a private company is two. Difference - 2. Maximum number: The maximum number of members in a private [...]

By |2023-02-19T19:49:22+05:30February 6, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Private Company and Public Company

Difference between Government Company and Non-Government Company

This article will help you to learn about the difference between a government and a non-government company. Difference between Government Company and Non-Government Company Government Company 1. Ownership of Capital: Not less than 51% of the share capital is held by the Central Governments and/or one or more state Governments. 2. Auditing of Accounts: The accounts of Government companies are [...]

By |2023-02-19T20:15:07+05:30February 6, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Government Company and Non-Government Company

Difference between Co-Operative Society and Company

This article will help you to learn about the difference between a cooperative society and a joint stock company. Difference between Co-Operative Society and Company Co-Operative Society Difference - 1. Formation: It is formed under Co­operative Societies Act, 1912 or other State Co-operative Acts. Difference - 2. Membership: A co-operative society can be formed with ten members. There is no [...]

By |2023-02-19T20:22:58+05:30February 6, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Co-Operative Society and Company
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