Tag Archives | Difference

Difference between Managing Director and Whole-Time Director

This article will help you to learn about the difference between managing director and whole-time directors of a company. Difference between Managing Director and Whole-Time Director Managing Director Difference - 1. Power: A managing director is director who is entrusted with substantial powers of the management. Difference - 2. Prohibition: Section 197 A of the Act prohibits a company from [...]

By |2023-02-19T20:49:26+05:30February 6, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Managing Director and Whole-Time Director

Difference between PERT and CPM

This article will help you to learn about the difference between PERT and CPM. Difference between PERT and CPM PERT 1. A probabilistic model with uncertainty A deterministic model with well-known activity in activity duration. Expected time is (single) times based upon past experience, calculated from to, tm and tp. 2. An event-oriented approach. 3. PERT terminology uses words like [...]

By |2023-02-19T20:52:21+05:30February 6, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between PERT and CPM

Difference between Policies, Goals and Objectives

This article will help you to learn about the difference between policies, goals, and objectives. Difference between Policies, Goals, and Objectives Policies are the Guidelines for Actions These are means to achieve the objectives. A policy may be a verbal, written or implied overall guide for decision making. In other words, policies provide guidelines and limits for decision making. As [...]

By |2023-02-19T20:54:42+05:30February 6, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Policies, Goals and Objectives
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