Tag Archives | Difference

Difference between Bit, Byte and Words

This article will help you to learn about the difference between bit, byte and words. Difference between Bit, Byte and Words Bit The computer does not have a large number of symbols for representing data. It has only two, 0 and 1 (called binary digits or bits). These correspond to the two electronic ox magnetic states used in computer circuits [...]

By |2023-02-19T21:08:03+05:30February 6, 2017|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Bit, Byte and Words

Difference between Line and Staff Organisation

This article will help you to differentiate between line and staff in an organisation. Difference between Line and Staff Organisation Difference - 1. Purpose: Perhaps the most important (and obvious) difference between line and staff is purpose : line's purpose is to work directly toward organisational goals, whereas staff advises and assists. But there are other differences also. Difference - [...]

By |2023-02-19T21:11:21+05:30November 5, 2016|Difference Between|Comments Off on Difference between Line and Staff Organisation

Differences between Trading and Marketing

Read this article to learn about the difference between Trading and Marketing. Differences between Trading and Marketing 1. Marketing is product oriented and trading is commodity oriented. 2. Trading is a correlation between products and the organization, marketing between people and the markets/products. 3. People are the sole deciding factor of success or failure in trading operations but in marketing [...]

By |2023-02-19T23:39:13+05:30August 25, 2016|Difference Between|Comments Off on Differences between Trading and Marketing
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