Tag Archives | Direction

Notes on Rumours in An Organisation: Causes and Its Management

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Rumours 2. Causes of Rumours 3. Effects 4. Management. Meaning of Rumours: Rumour is an "instinctual behaviour" arising at the workplace usually involving unverified information of uncertain origin transmitted by word of mouth. It arises in grapevine communication and usually spreads unauthentic information though, however, sometimes, the information may [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:36+05:30August 9, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on Notes on Rumours in An Organisation: Causes and Its Management

Notes on Need for Communication: 9 Reasons | Organisation

This article throws light upon the nine main reasons attributed to the need of communication in an organisation. The reasons are: 1. Size of the Organisation 2. Human Relations 3. Social Relations 4. Growing Role of Trade Unions 5. Technological Development 6. Development of Behavioural Sciences 7. Increasing Competition 8. Information Technology 9. Growing Specialisation. Reason # 1. Size of [...]

By |2016-08-09T07:55:36+05:30August 9, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on Notes on Need for Communication: 9 Reasons | Organisation

Direction: Meaning, Principles and Elements

Meaning and Definition of Direction: Directing is a function of management, which is guiding and leading people to work efficiently and effectively for the attainment of organizational objectives. Directing is the managerial function, which initiates organized action. It is one of the most important fundamental functions of management and is a part of every managerial action taken. This area is [...]

By |2016-06-22T16:18:02+05:30June 22, 2016|Directing|Comments Off on Direction: Meaning, Principles and Elements
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