Tag Archives | Enterprises

Entrepreneur and Livestock Based Enterprises

Udiyoginah Singh Mupait Lakshi Takee Cheri means wealth is the maid of entrepreneur. This has been emphasized in ancient literature of India thousands of years ago. Similar expression has been put forward in a Latin phrase Audaces fortuna Juvat means fortune favours entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is a French word, which means to undertake, but in today's context of entrepreneur this meaning [...]

By |2018-03-07T07:30:32+05:30March 7, 2018|Livestock Enterprises|Comments Off on Entrepreneur and Livestock Based Enterprises

Livestock Input Enterprises in Rural Areas

Another major area for entrepreneurship development in livestock sector is the livestock input industry, which can provide support to various livestock enterprises and can be taken up commercially. Various forms of inputs are required for the livestock enterprises such as feed and fodder, medicines, breeding services, etc., and practising these enterprises commercially can generate good amount of income and employment [...]

By |2018-03-07T07:30:31+05:30March 7, 2018|Livestock Enterprises|Comments Off on Livestock Input Enterprises in Rural Areas
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