Tag Archives | Financial Markets

Growth and Development of New Issue Market

After reading this article you will learn about the Growth and Development of New Issue Market in India. The new issue market in India is not fully developed as compared to other advanced countries like U.S.A., U.K. and Germany. But there has been tremendous growth in the sphere of new issue activity in India in the 1980s and 1990s. Table [...]

By |2016-06-28T09:22:05+05:30June 28, 2016|Financial Markets|Comments Off on Growth and Development of New Issue Market

6 Major Weaknesses of Stock Exchange

This article throws light upon the six major weaknesses of stock exchange in India. The weaknesses are: 1. Lack of Professionalism 2. Domination of Financial Institutions 3. Poor Liquidity 4. Domination by Big Operators 5. Less Floating Stocks 6. Speculative Trading. Weakness # 1. Lack of Professionalism: The majority of stock brokers lack professionalism. They lack proper education, business skills, infra-structural [...]

By |2016-06-28T09:22:05+05:30June 28, 2016|Stock Exchange|Comments Off on 6 Major Weaknesses of Stock Exchange

Factors Influencing Prices on Stock Exchange

This article throws light upon the seven main factors influencing prices on stock exchanges. The factors are: 1. Financial Position of the Company 2. Demand and Supply Position 3. Role of Financial Institutions 4. Lending Rates 5. Trade Cycles 6. Speculation Activities 7. Government Control. Prices on Stock Exchange: Factor # 1. Financial Position of the Company: The financial position [...]

By |2016-06-28T09:22:05+05:30June 28, 2016|Stock Exchange|Comments Off on Factors Influencing Prices on Stock Exchange
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