Tag Archives | Firm

14 Elements Affecting Master Strategy of a Firm | Strategic Management

The following fourteen key elements that vitally affect the master strategy of a firm need redefinition and/or redesign:- 1. New Markets or Services 2. Predicting Future Demand 3. Supply Related to Demand 4. Climate of Industry 5. Crucial Factors 6. Position in Market 7. Service Abilities 8. Finance and Management 9. Combination of Services 10. Adding to Capabilities 11. Vertical [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:50+05:30March 4, 2017|Strategy|Comments Off on 14 Elements Affecting Master Strategy of a Firm | Strategic Management

Marketing Strategies of a Firm: Top 4 Types | Management

According to AI Ries and Tack Trout, the marketing strategies of a firm are basically of four types. The types are:- 1. Offensive Strategy 2. Defensive Strategy 3. Flanking Strategy 4. Guerrilla Strategy. Type # 1. Offensive Strategy: This strategy of marketing is pursued by the firms which are leaders in the market. The leading firms are usually possessed of [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:50+05:30March 4, 2017|Strategy|Comments Off on Marketing Strategies of a Firm: Top 4 Types | Management

Research and Development (R & D) Strategies of a Firm | Management

In this article we will discuss about the classification of Research and Development (R & D) strategies into offensive, defensive and absorptive categories as classified by Pavitt. For sustained research and development effort and strategy, one of the main requirements is a measure of stability in budget allocations. This is an area where corporate planning can be of considerable assistance. [...]

By |2017-03-04T15:07:50+05:30March 4, 2017|Strategy|Comments Off on Research and Development (R & D) Strategies of a Firm | Management
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