Tag Archives | Foreign Exchange

Determination of Exchange Rates: 5 Approaches | Forex Management

The following points highlight the five main approaches used for determining exchange rates. The  approaches are: 1. The Purchasing Power Parity Approach 2. The Balance of Payments and the Internal-External Balance Approach 3. The Monetary Approach 4. The Portfolio Balance Approach 5. Interest Rate Parity. 1. The Purchasing Power Parity Approach: Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory holds that in the [...]

By |2017-11-14T06:26:55+05:30November 14, 2017|Exchange Rates|Comments Off on Determination of Exchange Rates: 5 Approaches | Forex Management

Techniques to Manage Foreign Exchange Risk | Forex Management

The following points highlight the techniques used to manage foreign exchange risk. The techniques are: 1. Doing Nothing 2. Pre-Emptive Price Variation 3. Risk Sharing 4. Maintaining a Foreign Currency Bank Account 5. Transfer Pricing 6. International Forfaiting 7. Discounting of Bills of Exchange 8. Money Market Operations and a few others. Technique # 1. Doing Nothing: This method suggests [...]

By |2017-10-09T08:51:40+05:30October 9, 2017|Risk|Comments Off on Techniques to Manage Foreign Exchange Risk | Forex Management

Determination of Foreign Exchange Rates: 5 Theorems | Forex Management

The following points highlight the five main theorems on foreign exchange rate determination. The theorems are: 1. Law of One Price 2. Interest Rate Parity Theorem 3. Purchasing Power Parity Theorem 4. Fisher Effect 5. International Fisher Effect. Theorem # 1. Law of One Price: The law of one price asserts that when there are no significant costs or other [...]

By |2017-10-09T08:51:39+05:30October 9, 2017|Foreign Exchange|Comments Off on Determination of Foreign Exchange Rates: 5 Theorems | Forex Management
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