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Definitions of Human Resource Planning

Everything you need to know about the definitions of human resource planning. Human resource planning (traditionally called manpower planning) aims at ascertaining the workforce needs of the organisation both in right number and of right kind. It further aims at the continuous supply of right kind of personnel to fill various positions in the organisation. To quote Dale S. Beach, [...]

By |2019-07-29T06:42:43+05:30July 29, 2019|Human Resource Planning|Comments Off on Definitions of Human Resource Planning

What is Recruitment?

Everything you need to know about what is recruitment. The term 'recruitment' applies to the process of attracting potential employees to the organization. To recruit means to enlist, replenish or reinforce. It refers to the process of bringing together prospective employees and employer with a view to stimulate and encourage the former to apply for a job with the latter. [...]

By |2019-07-29T06:42:42+05:30July 29, 2019|What is Recruitment|Comments Off on What is Recruitment?

Importance of Organizational Structure

Everything you need to know about the importance of organisational structure. Sound organisation is a must for every enterprise not only for its continuity but also for its success. It is the backbone of a management and without it; no management can manage the various operations of an enterprise. It lays the basis for other managerial functions such as planning, [...]

By |2023-06-08T19:28:41+05:30July 10, 2019|Organisational Structure, Organisation|Comments Off on Importance of Organizational Structure
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