Tag Archives | Functions

Importance of Delegation of Authority

Everything you need to know about the importance of delegation of authority. Delegation is the essence of good organisation. It is an important process to manage the affairs of an enterprise satisfactorily. Delegation of authority means conferring authority to another, to accomplish a particular assignment. That means a manager can get things done through others by sharing authority with them. [...]

By |2019-09-28T11:07:20+05:30September 28, 2019|Management|Comments Off on Importance of Delegation of Authority

Functions of HR Manager

Everything you need to know about the functions of HR manager. All managers in any organization are, in a way, HR managers, since they all get involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting and training. Yet, these days, most of the organizations have human resource departments which have specialized staff with the authority to assist and advise the line managers [...]

By |2019-09-23T08:51:05+05:30September 23, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Functions of HR Manager

Training in HRM

Everything you need to know about employee training. Training means imparting the knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to undertake the required jobs efficiently with a view to developing the worker to his fullest potential. As an organised activity, training is designed to create a change in the thinking and behaviour of people. Training is a two-way and continuous process because [...]

By |2019-09-23T08:51:04+05:30September 23, 2019|Human Resource Management|Comments Off on Training in HRM
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