Tag Archives | Human Resource Management

Psychological Tests used in Employee Selection

Psychological tests as a selection technique have certain definite advantages over other methods of selection of employees. Major advantage is that the test is an objective and standardized behaviour sample which lends itself well to statistical evaluation. Generally, it is easier to determine the value of a test than it is to evaluate other selection devices such as interviews, letters [...]

By |2019-10-28T07:08:47+05:30October 28, 2019|Employee Selection|Comments Off on Psychological Tests used in Employee Selection

Induction Process

Everything you need know about induction process in human resource management. The induction process is carried out by almost all organizations. The new recruits of the company get an opportunity to meet the senior management as well as their peers. It is during induction that the new recruits are trained in the skills that should be mastered in order to [...]

By |2019-10-28T07:08:47+05:30October 28, 2019|Induction|Comments Off on Induction Process

Role of HR Manager

Some of the roles of an HR manager are as follows:- 1. Role of HR Manager in Organisation 2. Roles of HR Managers in MNCs 3. Strategic Role of the HR Manager 4. Roles of HR Manager identified by American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) 5. Role of HR Manager on Policies 6. Roles of HR Manager in Modern [...]

By |2019-10-28T07:08:47+05:30October 28, 2019|Role of HR Manager|Comments Off on Role of HR Manager
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