Tag Archives | Industrial Management

Essay on Collective Bargaining in India | Hindi | Industrial Management

Here is an essay on ‘Collective Bargaining in India’ especially written for school and college students in Hindi language. भारत में पंचवर्षीय योजना में बताया गया, ''यद्यपि सामूहिक सौदेबाजी जैसा कि इसको जाना जाता है, भारत में वस्तुत: अपरिचित रही है, सैद्धान्तिक रूप में राज्य द्वारा यूनियन-प्रबन्ध सम्बन्धों में उपयोग हेतु स्वीकार किया गया है ।..राज्य का प्रयास सदा यही [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:46:04+05:30June 8, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on Collective Bargaining in India | Hindi | Industrial Management

Essay @ Industrial Disputes | Hindi | Industrial Management

Here is an essay on ‘Industrial Disputes’ for class 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Industrial Disputes’ especially written for school and college students in Hindi language. Essay on Industrial Disputes Essay Contents: औद्योगिक विवाद की परिभाषाएँ (Definition of Industrial Disputes) औद्योगिक विवाद के निवारण की व्यवस्था (Settlement Machinery for Industrial Disputes) श्रमिकों या श्रमिकों की [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:46:04+05:30June 8, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Essay @ Industrial Disputes | Hindi | Industrial Management

Collective Bargaining: Principles & Need | Hindi | Essay | Industrial Management

Here is an essay on ‘Collective Bargaining’ for class 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Collective Bargaining’ especially written for school and college students in Hindi language. Essay on Collective Bargaining Essay Contents: सामूहिक सौदेबाजी की परिभाषाएँ (Definitions of Collective Bargaining) सामूहिक सौदेबाजी के सिद्धान्त (Principles of Collective Bargaining) सामूहिक सौदेबाजी की आवश्यकता (Needs of Collective [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:46:03+05:30June 8, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Collective Bargaining: Principles & Need | Hindi | Essay | Industrial Management
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