Tag Archives | Industrial Management

Process of Collective Bargaining | Hindi | Industrial Management

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the process of collective bargaining. 1. विचार-विमर्श चरण (Negotiation Stage): सामूहिक सौदेबाजी की प्रक्रिया/प्रणाली जटिल होते हुए भी दिलचस्प होती है । इसके कई रूप/स्तर हो सकते हैं । कुछ आधारभूत बातें सामूहिक सोदेबाजी की सभी प्रक्रियाओं में पाई जाती हैं । सामूहिक सौदेबाजी के विभिन्न पहलू चरण निम्नलिखित हैं: (1) वार्ता [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:46:03+05:30June 8, 2017|Collective Bargaining|Comments Off on Process of Collective Bargaining | Hindi | Industrial Management

Essay on the Grievance Handling of Workers | Hindi | Industrial Management

Here is an essay on the ‘Grievance Handling of Workers’ for class 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on the ‘Grievance Handling of Workers’ especially written for school and college students in Hindi language. Essay on the Grievance Handling of Workers Essay Contents: परिवेदना का अर्थ (Meaning of Grievance) परिवेदन के कारण (Causes of Grievance) परिवेदना निवारण [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:46:03+05:30June 8, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on the Grievance Handling of Workers | Hindi | Industrial Management

Essay on Employee Discipline | Hindi | Industrial Management

Here is an essay on ‘Employee Discipline’ for class 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Employee Discipline’ especially written for school and college students in Hindi language. Essay on Employee Discipline Essay Contents: कर्मचारी अनुशासन का अर्थ (Meaning of Employee Discipline) अनुशासन की विशेषताएँ (Characteristics of Discipline) अनुशासन के उद्देश्य (Objectives of Discipline) अनुशासन के रूप [...]

By |2017-06-08T11:46:03+05:30June 8, 2017|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on Employee Discipline | Hindi | Industrial Management
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