Tag Archives | Industries

Characteristics and Qualities of a Successful Personnel Manager

Read this article to learn about the major characteristics and qualities of a successful personnel manager in an industrial organisations ! Without a successful personnel manager, an organisation can be compared with that of a ship without rudder. The success of an organisation, to a large extent, depends on the efficiency and effectiveness with which a personnel manager discharges his [...]

By |2014-02-04T17:10:55+05:30January 31, 2014|Personnel Management|Comments Off on Characteristics and Qualities of a Successful Personnel Manager

Importance of Personnel Management in Solving Industrial Problems

Importance of Personnel Management in Solving Industrial Problems! The significant developments followed by Industrial Revolution can be seen in terms of new industrial culture and renewed industrial relations and somewhat different way of solving the problems encountered by employees and blue-collar workers in industry. […]

By |2014-02-04T17:10:56+05:30January 31, 2014|Personnel Management|Comments Off on Importance of Personnel Management in Solving Industrial Problems

Role of a ‘Personnel Manager’ in a Big Industrial Undertaking

Read this article to learn about the role of a ‘personnel manager’ in a big industrial undertaking ! Personnel manager occupies a pivotal position in a work organisation. The success of an organisation largely depends on the way in which the personnel manager discharges his functions. […]

By |2014-02-04T17:10:56+05:30January 31, 2014|Personnel Management|Comments Off on Role of a ‘Personnel Manager’ in a Big Industrial Undertaking
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