Tag Archives | International Business

International Business

Everything you need to know about the international business. International business refers to those business activities that take place beyond the geographical limits of a country. It involves not only the international movements of goods and services, but also of capital, personnel, technology and intellectual property like patents, trademarks, knowhow and copyrights. "International business consists of transactions that are devised [...]

By |2019-09-28T11:07:46+05:30September 28, 2019|International Business|Comments Off on International Business

Essay on International Trade

Essay on International Trade! Trade is a "convenience" factor that helps in the movement of goods and services between the producers and the consumers. The consumer is the end point of various activities that are performed to give shape to products of utilities, but numerous activities converge at the point of production to pass through specific "process". These activities need [...]

By |2016-08-25T16:53:46+05:30August 25, 2016|Essays|Comments Off on Essay on International Trade

Trading Blocks: Formation and Review | International Trade

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Trading Blocks 2. Formation of the Trading Blocks 3. Review of Selected Trading Blocks. Introduction to Trading Blocks: Geographical proximity and common interests are the two reasons for nations to come together and form a community having mutual respect and responsibility for each other's interests. Geographical proximity is the [...]

By |2016-08-25T16:53:45+05:30August 25, 2016|International Trade|Comments Off on Trading Blocks: Formation and Review | International Trade
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